San Ramon Regional Medical Center is a full-service, acute care hospital, serving the community since 1990.
Once the Potomac drops from the Piedmont to the Coastal Plain at the Atlantic Seaboard fall line at Little Falls tides further influence the river as it passes through Washington D.C and beyond Salinity in the Potomac River Estuary increases thereafter with distance downstream the estuary also widens reaching 11 statute miles (17 km) wide at its mouth between Point Lookout Maryland and Smith Point Virginia before flowing into the Chesapeake Bay, After an absence lasting many decades the American Shad has recently returned to the Potomac. . Prominent Founding Fathers writing in the Federalist Papers felt that elections were essential to liberty that a bond between the people and the representatives was particularly essential and that "frequent elections are unquestionably the only policy by which this dependence and sympathy can be effectually secured" in 2009 however few Americans were familiar with leaders of Congress the percentage of Americans eligible to vote who did in fact vote was 63% in 1960 but has been falling since although there was a slight upward trend in the 2008 election. Public opinion polls asking people if they approve of the job Congress is doing have in the last few decades hovered around 25% with some variation. Scholar Julian Zeliger suggested that the "size messiness virtues and vices that make Congress so interesting also create enormous barriers to our understanding the institution . Unlike the presidency Congress is difficult to conceptualize." Other scholars suggest that despite the criticism "Congress is a remarkably resilient institution . its place in the political process is not threatened . it is rich in resources" and that most members behave ethically. They contend that "Congress is easy to dislike and often difficult to defend" and this perception is exacerbated because many challengers running for Congress run against Congress which is an "old form of American politics" that further undermines Congress's reputation with the public:, Barbary pirates Astana Kazakhstan (1997), Washington's army of 11,000 went into winter quarters at Valley Forge north of Philadelphia in December 1777 They suffered between 2,000 and 3,000 deaths in extreme cold over six months mostly from disease and lack of food clothing and shelter. Meanwhile the British were comfortably quartered in Philadelphia paying for supplies in pounds sterling while Washington struggled with a devalued American paper currency the woodlands were soon exhausted of game and by February morale and increased desertions ensued. . Other important legislation involved two measures to raise revenues for the Federal government: tariffs (a policy with long precedent) and a Federal income tax in 1861 Lincoln signed the second and third Morrill Tariffs following the first enacted by Buchanan Also in 1861 Lincoln signed the Revenue Act of 1861 creating the first U.S income tax.:424 This created a flat tax of 3 percent on incomes above $800 ($22,300 in current dollar terms) the Revenue Act of 1862 adopted rates that increased with income.:111, First presidential election George Taylor Pennsylvania 1 Yes An encounter was noted between Sir George Cockburn and a female resident of Washington "Dear God! is this the weather to which you are accustomed to in this infernal country?" enquired the Admiral "This is a special interposition of Providence to drive our enemies from our city" the woman allegedly called out to Cockburn "Not so Madam" Cockburn retorted "It is rather to aid your enemies in the destruction of your city" before riding off on horseback. Yet the British left right after the storm completely unopposed by any American military forces What makes this event even more serendipitous for the Americans is that as the Smithsonian reports there have only been seven other tornadoes recorded in Washington D.C in the 204 years since with probably a similar rare occurrence in the years prior to this event. Dred Scott The French detachment proved to be only about 50 men so Washington advanced on May 28 with a small force of Virginians and Indian allies to ambush them.[f] What took place was disputed but French forces were killed outright with muskets and hatchets French commander Joseph Coulon de Jumonville who carried a diplomatic message for the British to evacuate was mortally wounded in the battle French forces found Jumonville and some of his men dead and scalped and assumed that Washington was responsible. Washington placed blame on his translator for not communicating the French intentions. Dinwiddie congratulated Washington for his victory over the French. This incident ignited the French and Indian War which later became part of the larger Seven Years' War.
. 1 Family and childhood Due to the institution of partus sequitur ventrem black women's wombs became the site where slavery was developed and transferred, meaning that black women were not only used for their physical labor but for their sexual and reproductive labor as well, Portrait of Seneca Chief Sagoyewatha Washington's peace emissary In April 1776 the North Carolina Provincial Congress issued the Halifax Resolves explicitly authorizing its delegates to vote for independence by June nine Provincial Congresses were ready for independence; one by one the last four fell into line: Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland and New York Richard Henry Lee was instructed by the Virginia legislature to propose independence and he did so on June 7 1776 On June 11 a committee was created to draft a document explaining the justifications for separation from Britain After securing enough votes for passage independence was voted for on July 2. A 1774 etching from the London Magazine copied by Paul Revere of Boston Prime Minister Lord North author of the Boston Port Act forces the Intolerable Acts down the throat of America whose arms are restrained by Lord Chief Justice Mansfield while Lord Sandwich pins down her feet and peers up her robes Behind them Mother Britannia weeps helplessly while France and Spain look on. Edward Telfair Georgia 1 Yes On July 9 1790 Congress passed the Residence Act which approved the creation of a national capital on the Potomac River the exact location was to be selected by President George Washington who signed the bill into law on July 16 Formed from land donated by the states of Maryland and Virginia the initial shape of the federal district was a square measuring 10 miles (16 km) on each side totaling 100 square miles (259 km2).[b].
San Ramon Regional Medical Center
San Ramon Regional Medical Center is a full-service, acute care hospital, serving the community since 1990.