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The Second Continental Congress approved the "Articles of Confederation" for ratification by the states on November 15 1777; the Congress immediately began operating under the Articles' terms providing a structure of shared sovereignty during prosecution of the war and facilitating international relations and alliances with France and Spain the articles were ratified on March 1 1781 at that point the Continental Congress was dissolved and a new government of the United States in Congress Assembled took its place on the following day with Samuel Huntington as presiding officer. The First Continental Congress met briefly in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1774 consisting of 56 delegates from all thirteen American colonies except Georgia Among them was George Washington who would soon be drawn out of military retirement to command the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War Also in attendance were Patrick Henry and John Adams who like all delegates were elected by their respective colonial assemblies Other delegates included Samuel Adams from Massachusetts John Dickinson from Pennsylvania and New York's John Jay This congress in addition to formulating appeals to the British crown established the Continental Association to administer boycott actions against Britain. . ! .
. . . Stanton General Hospital Nevertheless the Supreme Court has treated campaign contributions as a free speech issue. Some see money as a good influence in politics since it "enables candidates to communicate with voters". Few members retire from Congress without complaining about how much it costs to campaign for reelection. Critics contend that members of Congress are more likely to attend to the needs of heavy campaign contributors than to ordinary citizens. In early 1778 the French responded to Burgoyne's defeat and entered into a Treaty of Alliance with the Americans the Continental Congress ratified the treaty in May which amounted to a French declaration of war against Britain the British evacuated Philadelphia for New York that June and Washington summoned a war council of American and French Generals He chose a partial attack on the retreating British at the Battle of Monmouth; the British were commanded by Howe's successor General Henry Clinton Generals Charles Lee and Lafayette moved with 4,000 men without Washington's knowledge and bungled their first attack on June 28 Washington relieved Lee and achieved a draw after an expansive battle at nightfall the British continued their retreat to New York and Washington moved his army outside the city. Monmouth was Washington's last battle in the North; he valued the safety of his army more than towns with little value to the British. Washington's death came more swiftly than expected at his deathbed he instructed his private secretary Tobias Lear to wait three days before his burial out of fear of being entombed alive. According to Lear he died peacefully between 10 and 11 p.m on Saturday December 14 1799 with Martha seated at the foot of his bed and his last words were "'Tis well" from his conversation with Lear about his burial He was 67, By contrast the Seminole welcomed into their nation African Americans who had escaped slavery (Black Seminoles) Historically the Black Seminoles lived mostly in distinct bands near the Native American Seminole Some were held as slaves of particular Seminole leaders Seminole practice in Florida had acknowledged slavery though not the chattel slavery model common elsewhere it was in fact more like feudal dependency and taxation the relationship between Seminole blacks and natives changed following their relocation in the 1830s to territory controlled by the Creek who had a system of chattel slavery Pro slavery pressure from Creek and pro-Creek Seminole and slave raiding led to many Black Seminoles escaping to Mexico. Education Main article: Slavery in the colonial United States, Slaves on J J Smith's cotton plantation near Beaufort South Carolina photographed by Timothy O'Sullivan standing before their quarters in 1862.
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